IT Governance
Brief description and learning objectives:
IT governance refers to a wide range of technical-administrative actions undertaken with the main objectives of harmonizing the digital strategy with the operational strategy of the companies/organizations, ensuring that the companies/organizations are committed to their strategies and goals and implementing optimal of practices for measuring the efficiency of digital investments.
A digital governance framework should provide scientifically based and convincing answers to key questions, such as regarding the smooth functioning of the IT department of the company/organization of any size, the key efficiency and effectiveness metrics that management needs and the expected benefits from investments in the digital technology of the company/organization. Therefore, every business/organization, small or large, public or private, needs a technical-administrative digital governance mechanism to ensure that its digital operation supports its strategies and objectives.
From the above, it is demonstrated the need for the staffing of companies/organizations with people who have the appropriate knowledge and skills in various IT governance issues which, essentially, refer to the stages before development (pre-development), during development (on -development) and after the development (after-development) of digital technology in/in the company/organization.
The specialization courses:
First semester:
Second semester:
Third semester:
SAS® Certification/Academic Specialization Program
SAS® Certification/Academic Specialization Program
Basic Elements of the Certification/Academic Specialization Program

The students of the 3rd semester of Acad. year 2021-22 of the PMS “Information Systems & Services”, the students of the PMS “Digital Systems & Services” who are in the process of preparing their Master’s Thesis (MTE) regardless of the course of study or graduates of the PMS “Digital Systems & Services” have the opportunity to participate in a Seminar Program that will be conducted in Greek jointly with the SAS company and will lead to the receipt of a Certificate/Academic Specialization in the subject entitled: “Data Management and Data Analytics using SAS”.
Το Πρόγραμμα Πιστοποίησης θα είναι συνολικά 39 ωρών. Οι διαλέξεις και τα εργαστήρια του Προγράμματος θα πραγματοποιούνται στις εγκαταστάσεις του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς και θα καλύπτουν τις ακόλουθες θεματικές ενότητες:
Students participating in the Certification Program will additionally be provided with:

Successful candidates who pass the evaluation process will receive a certificate signed by SAS and the postgraduate program as well as a digital badge for social media e.g. linkedin:
The agreement with SAS is under the approval and auspices of the University of Piraeus.